Sharon King

Sharon King, creator and director of Magical New Beginnings Ltd, and author of Heal Your Birth, Heal Your Life, has been working in the field of energy psychology and emotional health since 2007.

Sharon has studied with countless leading teachers in the field of emotions, energy and health, piecing those teachings together and advancing them. After working for a number of years specialising in the birth experience and how it affects our emotional health during our childhood and adult life Sharon developed the Heal Your Birth (formally known as Matrix Birth Reimprinting) protocols. Sharon leads the field in this area and published her own book Heal Your Birth, Heal Your Life in Sept 2015, which is now translated into Bulgarian, Romanian, South Korean and German.

Sharon has gone on to further develop her own techniques delivered workshops around the world. Her passion for learning and growing her consciousness led her on a 3-year journey, learning from some of the best meditation/awakened teachers she could find. Teachers such as Dr Joe Dispenza and Niraj Naik.

After many powerful kundalini, enlightening and mystical experiences, Sharon is now combining all her past knowledge of healing and following a new path as a Soma Breath Instructor. Helping other people on their own healing journey, to heal the wounds of the past and opening their hearts more fully to unconditional love; awakening to the potential of who they really are and manifesting the life they want to be leading.